I have often shied away from "STYLES" thinking that they are something inauthentic or "put on" to "fit in" with a status quo or prove something to others. This moon, I chose to experiment with The Styles by immersing myself in the lifestyles of people who have very unique homes, clothing, belongings, activities that are distinct from my own. I wanted to discover what inspires them to make the choices they do and how being with these people in their spaces could effect my being and dance experience.
The first time I came to Victoria's beautiful land it was dark, I followed a long row of candles out to a bonfire and open field; I was immediately enchanted. This was a memorial meditation for a dear friend and although we were all filled with sadness, I also felt something sparkling, magical and dreamlike. I knew immediately I wanted to return in the daylight and get to know this very special woman who is a member of a very special (human & non-human) family.
This came to pass when I called to ask if I could "dwell" with her in her lifestyle for a couple of hours to see what sort of dance might arise. She was so welcoming and generous with her space and time. These photos and video capture just a taste of the delightful essence of this gracious and spirited being. If you ever get the chance, you must enter her garden and home yourself to FEEL the light she invites and cultivates there. I asked her about the "sparkly" mystical feeling that surprised me immediately when I opened the gate and stepped inside. The reply came instantly something like: "Oh, of course! There are many nature spirits here that I communicate with all the time. They are some of my closest friends!"
This visit and the other three LifeStyle dwelling dance dates (a Soul Motion Ecstatic Dance Event, at Seattle's Tent City and with designer Lynn Mizono) I experienced this week convince me that STYLE can definitely be an emanation and revelation of one's true nature, heart and soul...or simply a reflection of one's conditioning and circumstances. What does style mean to you?
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so enchanting to witness how you were moved and touched by your experience at victoria's home - so much light and de-light in her home and in your dances! thank you for sharing your time with her here... precious...