This group blog at is co-created & authored by the MomoButoh Dance Company “Inner Circle” team of member/practitioners. It is the external blossoming of a deep-rooted and long developing inner practice. With the guidance and facilitation of Artistic Director, Maureen “momo” Freehill MFA, this company grew from the hearts, bodies and souls of a committed group of individual artists. In the tradition of Maureen’s long time sensei (mentor) Kazuo Ohno, each of us seeks to engage in soulful creativity, communication and transformation through our butoh dance offerings to the world. We have vowed to intimately unite our dance practices with all aspects of our daily cycles of life & death. We hope you will subscribe to this blog as a gateway into our thriving community and consider diving in and becoming an active member yourself. We invite you to join our ongoing training, projects and performances that enrich our lives and world with the good, true and beautiful. Feel free to contact Maureen “momo” anytime for a free introductory MomoButoh Dance session (in person, by phone or skype) to explore whether this might be the appropriate co-creative path for you.