Today we welcome a new member to our MomoButoh Dance Company inner circle. Her name is Misty Hannah and she currently hails from Cork, Ireland. I am very happy about her joining us, please take a momomoment to greet her as soon as you can.
Today also came a new clarity about the MomoButoh YearOfCo11aboration that will span 13 moons and was initiated on 11/11 this year. Each month on a double digit day (12/12, 1/1 and so on); I will initiate a new "project" for that moon. The first one was our Salmon Restoration Project at Mile 11. The next two will be The Elements Project (12/12) and then The Styles Project (1/1). The specific scores, practices, performances and aesthetic responses for these projects will mainly arise out of the monthly individual practice sessions that each member shares with Momo (and one another if desired). In the past 3 days, during sessions with Art/Rev, Me Ha and Misty; 3 new scores for DailyDance practice with The Elements have emerged. They each will be exploring these scores daily and posting results, we then can in turn respond through our own investigations and postings. What fun!
Today in the session with Me Ha I simply asked her to take a few minutes to investigate her unique relationship with The Elements. Her reply came in the form of a Talking Dance. I wrote some of the wise poetry she spoke while dancing and post that here for your further investigation & inspiration.
"Water is VITAL!...Water is VITAL, so much a part of LIFE!!
I AM Earth--it grounds me.
The Earth is my roots.
I root into the Earth.
(she shows me a stone sculpture and will post a photo of it here soon)
Like this.
I have worked with The Elements SO MUCH!
Catastrophe and Restoration was all about the elements.
Wind at the top of mountains is so important for diversity.
Forest Fires are important for forest to be healthy.
Buffalo trampling and stirring up the Earth....is important.
The importance of Flooding!!
Fire is scarier than Earth or Water.
It is in my astrological chart; my Aries Moon.
I have danced with fire and love it.
Air is furthest away for me ---wind/tornado/100 mph winds here.
I can use Air/Breath in lungs and bring it into my dance.
It is essential.
When I focus on my breath--I enter into my body.
It is essential!
Space-- I long for it.
The Space.
As Yoshito says, 'For a dancer, God is Space.'
Wood --
Did I show you the sculpture we made from the wood you gave us?
It is perfectly balanced in the 'relationship' area of our house as a primary focal point.
(she shows me a wood sculpture and will post a photo of it here soon)
Wood is the strongest BEING in nature for me-- it calls me again and again to dance with it.
Trees, roots....."
Wood is the strongest BEING in nature for me-- it calls me again and again to dance with it.
Trees, roots....."
wood "core" sculpture found by momo and offered at david's birthday at Me Ha's place
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