Tuesday, December 13, 2011

wild life sanctuary

This is graphic recording of our 12/10/11 Conference Call with MomoButoh Dance Company by Patricia Kambitsch.  So powerful to cycle through the word, image/drawing and then again into the body movement/dance when we connect and co-create with one another. I invite all members to do this consistently. Thank you Patricia for helping us Re-Member!


  1. Oh wonderful wild woman; facilitator of creative arts; drawer of our prayers; I miss you and appreciate you, your colors, shapes, shifting us. Here is a poem from a session with Daria Halprin as Aesthetic Response to your words: " Art opens me; Art opens me to you; Art opens us to the world and opens the world to us" and from Daria herself: " The Arts accompany us as we remember so that to Re-member is to Re-join parts & pieces in a new form woth new meaning & with artfullness." Thank you for your words.

  2. thank you, me ha! I can't tell you how timely it is for me to read this. I'm often looking for words to say quickly why it is that I want to do what I do and I struggle. Re-membering now! Thank you!
