An angel told me, "The only way to walk through fire without getting burned is to become fire." Drew Dellinger
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sanctuary and the Heart-Fire
An angel told me, "The only way to walk through fire without getting burned is to become fire." Drew Dellinger
Friday, December 30, 2011
to breathe in small spaces
SOMA ~ Sanctuary Of Moving Arts ~ SONGS
I have committed to many practices this year related to nurturing the WildLife Sanctuary here. My foundational practice consists simply of setting aside all the ToDo lists of life, all electronic communication devices and social engagements and going to practice on the LAND for 1 or more hours each day. I have never had a consistent PLACE of my own that is available 24/7 to support and uphold my butoh practice and Embodied Art journey. It is a dream come true that simply requires my embodied attention and presence and in return, I am healed. I receive songs, dances, insights, answered prayers, beauty beyond measure, deep connections with the heart & soul of myself & others. I am so grateful and humbled by this gift.
Still, there are days that are cold, there are resistances inside and out, there are distractions and pulls that I occasionally do allow to keep me from receiving this gift. Having YOU to witness and join me in this process gives me the strength to delve into that fathomless mystery of my body & soul. It supports me to follow my true nature and set aside the blaring never-ending drone of industrial-socio-economic conditioning that says: "don't let go" "there is nothing for you there" "who do you think you are?!" "that is dangerous, stupid & crazy" and all sorts of other negative messages preventing a life of DANCING (and singing) FREELY.
Thank you for your company, thank you for your witnessing, your love and your own commitment to showing up. See you in the Sanctuary. Thank you for reading, watching, subscribing and following our collaborative blog. If you feel called, connecting directly with me to explore whether this type of Embodied Arts practice might be something for you. MomoButoh Dance Company members and myself are always happy to welcome new community members. Sanctuary Songs Wood Songs in SOMA
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
wild life sanctuary
This is graphic recording of our 12/10/11 Conference Call with MomoButoh Dance Company by Patricia Kambitsch. So powerful to cycle through the word, image/drawing and then again into the body movement/dance when we connect and co-create with one another. I invite all members to do this consistently. Thank you Patricia for helping us Re-Member!
Monday, November 28, 2011
I dance with Paperbark tree/she gives me her bark/floating through/spring sunlight skies/warm bones/twisting limbs/like twisting branches/we ARE seed/we ARE soil/we grow as tree does/rooted to earth/forever reaching to heaven/we ARE axis/divine conduit/Soul IS constant/Motion is constant/never ceasing/only passing through us/ without containment/Resistance IS DANCE
Wise paperbark/has seen me grow/knows all my stories/watches silently as the world changes/if I cannot dance with her/I cannot dance at all/if we must know what moves us/why we dance?/all we need to do is look at paperbark and listen/how then could we not begin to dance?/how could we not remember/ that to move/we must be moved/to be moved/we must first see the wonder!/the wonder of every leaf/every string of bark/every paperbark.
Friday, November 25, 2011
tar sands, pipelines and oil spills
i am dancing because i have to... for the bears, the salmon, the caribou, the wolves, the migrating birds and all the creatures whose lives are being threatened from the increased pollution and habitat destruction... because i am canadian and it is unconscionable to me that the current government is supporting an oil extraction method that is the dirtiest energy project in the world, one that is devastating to all beings on our precious mama earth...i am dancing in solidarity with the indigenous peoples whose health and lives are being jeopardized by the alberta tar sands upriver of their communities... because human rights are being violated... i am dancing because i have to... because sometimes it feels my heart will explode with pain and anger at the lack of respect some human beings that run corporations have for all life and for future generations... i dance... i dance...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Revisiting the 11/11 site, dancing as and with the salmon, the bear, the eagle, the human(s). Integrating them all into my own nature, my own place in the cycle of life. Looking into and forward to the future. I'm grateful for and to all of the beings I have communed with, especially to Momo and all those who shared this time and place and dance with me. Many thanks to all!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Spawning Practice
A surprise discovery on the wild Stehekin River--little Sockeye Kokanee Salmon are spawning freely! Such an inspiration in preparation for our 11/11/11 dance to honor the salmon life cycle at mile 11 on highway 11 at 11:11am. MomoButoh Dance Company members will gather from all over the continent at Oyster Creek for our 5th annual ritual butoh performance. This year we have 11 dancers working with live musicians, singers, story tellers and poets. We will offer 11 unique site-specific scores revealing 11 segments in salmon's life cycle:
Thursday, October 27, 2011
From Point A to Be : aesthetic response to the aspen fall
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
From Point A to Be : aesthetic response to the aspen fall
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Scoring high
Bringing in more presence.
Breeze is blowing, body's flowing
Humbled by the great full moon
Bowing to the elements
My struggle in finding my own home- That home that is constantly within myself. Struggling with the Maya- the outward distractions and suggestions of pre-judged life.
What obstacles am I swimming upstream against? My own angst, fears, and forgetting.
Forgetting that too my body will die, my purpose complete in this physical realm, releasing into the greater cycles of existance- exisDANCE.
So I seek to find connection in all of my surroundings. Where is my home? What is my bodily purpose? Won't I constantly be fullfilling this purpose by connecting to my own home within my center.
In someway our lives reflect that of the struggling salmon; swimming against all odds to find their original birthing place, only so many make it to then mate and release their physical bodies a few hours- days later.
How many of us are in a struggle to connect? To remember our true home- our birthing place. The place where the soul dwells, the place we all know deep inside our hearts?
And: when we find our home- will we remember it?
How many of us are willing to sacrifice our lives for the continuation of the life cycle?
What a beautiful release.... honoring our mother... allowing for our bodies to decompose in the earth they were created. Nothing is wasted.
I have been working on my score for 11/11/11...
I will be stationed by a tree. Representing the return home portion of the life cycle of the salmon-
Again trees have entered my life: representing the grounding of both earth and connection to sky.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
desert weave dance
Sunday, September 18, 2011
On this trip I revisited Upper Cathedral Lake, near Cathedral Peak in the Pasayten Wilderness. I find myself repeatedly drawn to this location over the years. It's hard to describe, because I am not sure exactly what it is I am describing, but this place in particular has always felt to me like a place where the Earth's power and energy was concentrated and focused.
I started this dance without a solid intent other than to let the place move me, I became a being emerging from the earth, somewhat intimidated by the huge empty world it saw, pushing against something, excited by the wonder of it all, considering jumping out even further.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
seven seven eleven moon
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunrise Progressions
I hiked up with a friend of mine- then we set up camp apart from eachother to do a "solo nite" in silence!
The following morning was full of butoh inspiriation moments.
Originally I had the idea to start off before the sun hit my side of the mountain, when it was still super cold, and as the sun progressively rose I would take off layer after layer-
The video snapshots kind of show that but not in the ideal way I would have imagined.
My idea was to meditate for hours on the mountain ridge....
HAHA that went well.
First there are wayyyy tooooo manyyyyy mosquitos for one's comfort-
Second I have a really hard time sitting cross legged because I have this wierd thing where my limbs fall asleep really quickly.
Third- There was just no way other than to lie down in my tent, to get comfortable to sit without moving for hours on an end.
So thus we revert back to butoh.
Moving in the midst of nature- being comfortable- and attempting to be still.
I found a really helpful way to quiet the mind is to just walk ultra ultra slow- it begins to feel like you are moving at the pace of nature, not at humanities insane speed walk pace
Bliss and love- I like this video- first time I added music
Feet and Face at Lake Tahoe
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The God's are Laughing
I had just written an incredible post.... it got deleted.
So here is my second attemt. This goes to show how nothing is ever permanent- change is constant.
My creation story is BLISS.
I realized this
I choose to expand
Opening my arms to welcome space into my hands
My body moves in the way it chooses
In the joy of spontaneous eruption
My soul can taste ecstasy in the simplicity
Bliss is our inherent birthright
To follow, breathe, and be it
Her laughter tickles my belly
she moves me
Inside the vortex of creation
There sits a dancing God
laughing hysterically
Be bliss
In your experience
Let yourself be moved by it
REcognizing my own creation story...
I was birthed from bliss, I was created by bliss, and I will die in bliss
So when I move I can tap into my most raw state.
Freedom of self expression
It doesnt matter to me what anything may appear to be
Rather, I feel what the dance wants to express though my body
There is no seperation between divine intention and human dancing
Or I'd like to believe that
But it is true, the deeper I surrender to the flow the more bliss I find
The more bliss I find
the more I can hear god laughing
Friday, September 2, 2011
momobutoh meeting minutes august 30
Monday, August 29, 2011
consciousness stream